HEY TOM FULP ARE YOU READING THIS CUZ THS IS FOR YOU!? Anyways I do not own an XBOX 360 i have a PS3 and WII. I do not want a 360 because I dont want to get the red ring and have to spend thousands of dollars on fixing it and I dont want to buy games that I can get on my PC for free (pirate bay) next year! So I refuse to get a 360 BUT I really REALLLLY want CASTLE CRASHERS...... SOOO WONT YOU PLEASE PORT THE CODE TO PSN NETWORK PPPPLLLEAASSEEEEE!!!!?!??!?!?! COME ON!!!!!! I DONT HAVE ANY OF YOUR GAMES CUZ THERE ALL ON XBOX LIVE ARCADE!!!!!!! PLEASE TOM!!!!!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!!!
p.s. please make all of your next games multiple systems, PLLLEAASE!!!!!
You suck
i dont suck i blow